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Fresh Bathroom Design

Room & Bath

Bathroom Sinks

Toilets & Sanitize

Utilizing Green-Seal Standards for cleaning & sanitizing, we apply Melaleuca disinfectant to reduce the spread of bacteria, & we clean heavily soiled areas, like the toilet & floors using paper towels that can be discarded.

Mirrors & Fixtures

Glass surfaces are given special care with our glass cleaning products. We use an ammonia and streak free formula to give your glass surfaces and fixtures that extra special shine that you wont be able to miss! 

Luxurious Bathroom

Bathtubs Shower & Tile

While showers can accumulate a lot of residue over time if not cleaned properly, we use a blend of an all-natural scrubbing agent along with a heavy duty cleaner to reduce build up in the shower, and lemon oil to help it last!

Recycling Bio Bin

Trash & Dirt Removal

Trash is collected from each room and put into small garbage bags. The garbage bags will be dumped into the household trash or dumpster unless otherwise instructed. Please be sure to mention your trash disposal preferences.

Bathroom accessories

Cabinets & Sinks

Did you know that lemon oil helps reduce dust, water build up and keeps your kitchen and bathroom clean for longer! Not to mention it smells amazing!! We use lemon oil on your sinks and baths to reduce deep cleaning in the future!

Bathroom Sink

Ceiling, Fan & Vents

Fans collect dust and debris that when left unattended can make your room not seem as fresh, no matter how clean it gets! So we are sure to take that extra step to wipe down vents and ceiling fans when needed.

Modern Kitchen

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